Ottawa Housing Market during Late Spring and Summer 2024

Wednesday May 8th, 2024


The Ottawa Housing Market is picking up slowly but still not as good as 2 years ago Today Sellers are not getting what they want because of interest rates. On a property selling last year for $1m they would loose $100,000 in todays market. And $200k compared to 2022. By late summer the same property might get $1,100,000. Therefore one strategy is to buy soon with a 90-120 day closing. Closing with an open mortgage and switching next fall to a five year Mortgage Then SELL (list) by late... [read more]


Wednesday Apr 19th, 2023


The average price for Freehold class property for March was $710,070 a decrease of 17% from 2022 but a 0.2% increase over February 2023. Average prices have gone up 8% in the first quarter for 2023. The average price for Condo Class was $418,670 a decrease of 13% from a year ago but a gain of 2% over February 2023. So the market is stabilizing. Ottawa Real Estate Board says prices are headed in the right direction. If you look over the last 7 years from 2016 in December Prices for... [read more]

The Ottawa Housing Market projections have changed because of the new NDP Agreement

Monday Mar 28th, 2022


With the new agreement with the NDP (New Democratic Party) to Support the Liberals on each non Confidence type motion until 2025 the OTTAWA Housing Market will continue to be strong. I had projected in January 2022 that the market would slow down. Why? Due to the massive debt the Liberal have created since 2015 Election by creating many new programs and defending Canada against COVID 19. Without the NDP support the Liberals would have had to reduce debt by reducing the number of... [read more]

What to expect in Real Estate in 2022

Friday Jan 14th, 2022


The Liberal Government since 2015 has added MANY new public Servants and added to Military and RCMP staffing in the NCR. So each year they were in power the housing market has been exceptionally good. With all the new public servants in December 2019 there were VERY few listings with prices up 19.7%. For December 2020 Prices were up 20%, For December 2021 Prices are up for Detached Homes 23.6% Wow Due to Covid 19 during 2020 and 2021 and now 2022 there was a double whammy. Sellers... [read more]

Summer to 2022 Market

Wednesday Jun 30th, 2021


The Liberal Government since 2015 has added MANY new public Servants and added to Military and RCMP staffing in the NCR. So each year they were in power the housing market has been exceptionally good. With all the new public servants in December 2019 there were VERY few listings with prices up 19.7%. For December 2020 Prices were up 20%. Due to Covid 19 during 2020 there was a double whammy. Sellers could not find what they wanted as the INVENTORY of homes was so low. So they did... [read more]

Spring to Fall Market Projection 2021

Tuesday Jan 12th, 2021


The Liberal Government since 2015 has added MANY new public Servants and added to Military and RCMP staffing the NCR. So each year they were in power the housing market has been exceptionall good. With all the new public servants in December 2019 there were VERY few listings with prices up 19.7%. For December 2020 Prices were up 20%. Due to Covid 19 during 2020 there was a double whammy. Sellers could not find what they wanted as the INVENTORY of homes was so low. So they did not... [read more]

Ottawa Housing Market HOT stiil in November 2020

Friday Nov 13th, 2020


The Federal government Liberals have added to the number of Public Servants in the NCR in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and again in 2020. So as of 2019 there was little inventory And now there is NONE. Due to COVID 19 many are not listing making it worse. And clients that want to upgrade are not listing because they cannot find what they want. Many Townhomes over the past month that listed for $450,000 soild for $550,000. Also Shopify is adding employees in Ottawa. What to do. If you... [read more]

OTTAWA Housing Market SUMMER 2020 Still VERY HOT

Wednesday Jun 24th, 2020


The Federal government Liberals have added to the number of Public Servants in the NCR in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and again in 2020. So as of 2019 there was little inventory And now there is NONE. Due to COVID 19 many are not listing making it worse. And clients that want to upgrade are not listing because they cannot find what they want. Many Townhomes over the past month that listed for $450,000 soild for $550,000. Also Shopify is adding employees in Ottawa. What to do. If you... [read more]

Ottawa Housing Market still HOT in 2020

Monday Feb 17th, 2020


  As discussed before the National Capital Region is on fire. One of the very best in Canada. Ottawa normally is a "steady eddy" good place to have a home. Detached Homes are up 17% over last January Town Homes are up 24.4% over last January Condominiums are up 19.1% over last January Active listings are down 35% for Residential and 62.8% for Condo Properties There are FEW listings because the market has been exceptionally good for the past 2... [read more]

Ottawa Housing Market Price Changes

Friday Mar 8th, 2019


The HOME prices by May 2019 will be up by 10% year over year Why; what is driving up Ottawa prices 1. The liberals have made many promises and have added to the Federal Deficit $30,000,000,000 since taking office. So they have need to staff up big time. In 2010 In Ottawa under the Conservatives there were 185,000. Public Servants in the Ottawa area. That dropped to 145,000 by 2015 As of now it is at 210,000 and climbing. 2. Military and RCMP moves to the west ...for the Nortel... [read more]

Summer 2018 Housing Market in Ottawa VERY HOT

Friday Jun 29th, 2018


As noted in previous articles the Real Estate Market in Ottawa is VERY hot. It will continue to be HOT during the Summer as The Inventory now is very low and more public sevants are being hired every. day. Also the Militeary moves are finally a big factor as the Conservatives slowed that portion down to a trinkle but it is back up and an important portion of this market. Rockland, Embrun Russell Almonte will start to see a big pick up in their market late summer and next year. The reason... [read more]

May 2018 Market is definitely a Sellers Market

Tuesday May 8th, 2018


As noted in previous articles the Real Estate Market in Ottawa is VERY hot. It is even more hot than March as The Inventory now is very low and more public sevants are being hired every. day. Also the Militeary moves are finally a big factor as the Conservatives slowed that portion down to a trinkle but it is back up and an important portion of this market. Rockland, Embrun Russell Almonte will start to see a big pick up in their market late summer and next year. The reason for the delay is... [read more]

Ottawa Housing Market is Finally taking Off

Thursday Jan 18th, 2018


Due Conservative Government cut backs in Public Servants in Ottawa area from 2010-2015 and the slow pace that the Liberals have taken in spite of their long list of promises the market was SLOW from 2010-2017. It gained momentum starting in June 2017 mainly in the West end of Ottawa and Ottawa South. The west was also favoured as many military moveed to the west for the opening of the Nortel Site which did open April 1, 2017 New Orleans, Cumberland, Beacon Hill, Pineview, Carson Grove are... [read more]

New Info on Market Conditions in Ottawa as of December 2017

Friday Dec 15th, 2017


~~There are as predicted earlier to many clients a VERY positive change in Prices in Ottawa This year they are up 7.3 Percent Year over year Why: 1. The liberal are finally staffing up In 2010 In Ottawa under the Conservatives there were 185,000  Public Servants in the Ottawa area. That dropped to 145,000 by 2015 However it dropped further to 130,000 as of October 2016 This June it was at 160,000. 2. Military and RCMP moves to the west for the Nortel site which... [read more]

Fall 2017 Ottawa Housing Market Conditions

Wednesday Sep 20th, 2017


The Ottawa Housing Market is VERY strong in the South and the West end but average in the East end. The West end is moving very well mainly due to Military Moves associated with the final opening of the Nortel Site. Liberal Staffing is finally ramping up up but mainly in the South End and in the West. Orleans is only seeing about a 2 percent increase in Home Prices [read more]

The Ottawa Housing market finally starting to pick up under the Liberal Government

Tuesday Feb 7th, 2017


In the National Capital Region of Ottawa and Gatineau it was expected that major staffing of Public Servants would be well under way by now. However the size of Public servants actually went down for a while. Now the Liberal Government seems to be ramping up the number of hires. Considering the masive deficit they announced to help kick start the economy it was expected that many more than about 10,000  more would be here by now. So the spring market should be very good and... [read more]

New Liberal Public Servants and Military Moves 2016-2017

Monday Nov 28th, 2016


I had expected the market to pick up with the announced spending by the Liberal Government. So far the new number of Public Servants is only about 4,900. With the Budget Plans for 2016-2017 showing a deficit of $30 Billion I expect this winter and by late spring the Ottawa Housing Market should pick up BIG time. Also the Nortel Site is now ready so we should be getting back to more more normal impact of miltary moves accounting for 20% of the Ottawa Housing Market. This past 2 years it... [read more]

Orleans And Ottawa Ontario Ontario Real Estate Market

Friday May 13th, 2016


Due to Conservative cut backs in Ottawa including severe restrictions on Military moves to or from Ottawa over the last 6 years, especially, we have seen prices decline when you compare apples to apples. For Example in Orleans the Minto Manhatten 3 years ago were selling generally for $330,000 and yet this year and last fall they were selling for under $300,000. What this means is if you are moving up this year you will get a SUPER deal.You will lose selling say a 3 bedroom townhouse but... [read more]

11 Things You Must Know When Finding a Home

Monday Mar 7th, 2016


Once you've decided to buy a home, there's a number of issues that need to be considered.  Because buying a home will be one of the biggest purchases you make in your life, learning the "11 Things You Must Know When Finding a Home" can make the process easier. In this report, we outline 11 Questions and Answers to help you make informed choices when purchasing a home. 1. What Should I Look For When Deciding On A Community? Select a community that will allow you... [read more]

13 Extra Costs to be Aware of Before Buying a Home

Thursday Mar 3rd, 2016


"The last thing you need are unbudgeted financial obligations cropping up hours before you take possession of your new home." Whether you're looking to buy your first home, or trading up to a larger one, there are many costs - on top of the purchase price - that you must figure into your calculation of affordability. These extra fees, such as taxes and other additional costs, could surprise you with an unwanted financial nightmare on closing day if you're not informed and... [read more]

The Pitfalls of Selling A Home Privately

Thursday Feb 25th, 2016


When you first think about it, it seems like a great idea. Why don't I sell my home myself and save the commission? All I need is a sign on the lawn, maybe a classified ad or two and voila -- a pocketful of money saved! Or is it? Before you risk what is probably your family's largest financial investment, it's worth investigating what it really means to put a "SOLD By Owner" sign on your lawn. First, what is your selling experience? If it's limited to setting up... [read more]

Should you buy first, then sell or vice versa ?

Wednesday Feb 17th, 2016


You own a house now, but you want to move to a bigger place or a different neighbourhood. Should you sell your current home before you buy your next, or should you buy first, then sell your existing one? Though this is a very common question, there is no "right" answer. The answer depends on a number of things, but most importantly on how cautious you are. Human nature being what it is, once the decision to move is made, people usually put a great deal of effort into finding the... [read more]

Home Inspections

Thursday Feb 4th, 2016


With few exceptions this is a “must do.” Inspections are an important safety valve for you. A professional Inspector will check out all the major components of the home and provide a written report usually for about $450. This report will clearly spell out the condition of the major components of a home giving you a forecast of the life expectancy of the roof, furnace and appliances for example. The inspectors I recommend know their profession. If we determine... [read more]

9 Buyer Traps and How to Avoid Them

Saturday Jan 30th, 2016


"A systemized approach to the homebuying process can help you steer clear of these common traps, allowing you to not only cut costs, but also secure the home that’s best for you." No matter which way you look at it buying a home is a major investment. But for many homebuyers, it can be an even more expensive process than it needs to be because many fall prey to at least a few of the many common and costly mistakes which trap them into either: paying too much for the... [read more]

Top 10 Mistakes in Selling Your Home

Thursday Jan 28th, 2016


1. Selling Privately limits exposure, limits professionalism and invites people wanting to save money so it costs you the Real estate fee without the benefits. 2. Neglecting repairs will cost you in terms of selling price. Experience shows that for every $2,000 in repairs results in a $10,000 lesser Selling Price. 3. Family Pictures not removed. You can keep some but the person visiting is trying to visualize themselves in your home. 4. Cooking or Pet Odours are a real... [read more]

27 Tips You Should Know To Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar

Sunday Dec 13th, 2015


" have to sell your present home at exactly the right time in order to avoid either the financial burden of owning two homes or, just as bad, the dilemma of having no place to live during the gap between closings." Because your home may well be your largest asset, selling it is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. To better understand the homeselling process, a guide has been prepared from current industry insider reports. Through these... [read more]



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